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The demand for analysis of large‐scale data has increased with increased access to spatial vector data. Polygon overlay of vector data in a virtual globe requires proprietary data structures and proprietary analysis algorithms. A vector data structure is designed for rapid polygon overlay in a virtual globe by recording the metadata of the triangles (TriMeta) that constitute polygons. A polygon overlay algorithm is proposed based on this data structure. The overlay of two complex GIS polygons is transformed into the intersection computation of their 3D triangular presentations. The intersection computation of two sets of triangles is reduced considerably by utilizing TriMeta to filter out the disjoint triangle pairs and rapidly identify the contained triangle. The new method improves the overlay efficiency in a virtual globe because the amount of computation required to calculate the intersections of two large polygons and drape the intersections onto a terrain surface is reduced.  相似文献   
Acta Geochimica - The Maoping tungsten deposit is located in the Nanling W–Sn metallogenic belt in South China. Greisen and quartz vein types of mineralization developed in this deposit....  相似文献   
考古遗址出土骨制品的研究对于揭示古代社会的动物资源获取和利用、手工业生产、社会组织结构等问题具有重要意义.国内骨制品研究目前多集中在农业区域,这些研究为探讨新石器时代至青铜时代的动物使用及其与社会发展、早期国家形成的关系等问题作出了重要贡献.然而,针对牧业社会骨制品的考察十分缺乏.新疆哈密地区巴里坤草原分布有大量古代牧业文化遗址,石人子沟遗址(43°31′12.8″~43°34′28.9″N,93°13′44.8″~93°16′49.1″E)是其中一处青铜时代晚期至铁器时代早期的大型聚落.本文从动物考古学视角研究该遗址2006年至2011年发掘出土的426件骨制品.结果显示,石人子沟遗址骨制品的原料主要为以羊(Ovis aries/Capra hircus)、马(Equus caballus)为主的家养动物和以鹿(Cervidae)为主的野生动物,其中羊的比例最高(69.7%),鹿(13.8%)、马(2.3%)次之,这与中原地区青铜时代农业文化遗址的骨制品多以牛为原料的情况明显不同.羊在骨制品原料中占绝对多数且大量使用羊距骨制品的现象是对石人子沟遗址以牧业为主的生业经济方式的直接反映.石人子沟遗址不同类型骨制品的制作各具特点,但整体表现出"省时省力"的特点,即对使用部位细致打磨,对非使用部位仅做简单处理.与中原地区商周时期大型制骨作坊规范化、规模化、产业化的骨器生产不同,石人子沟遗址未见专门的制骨场所,骨制品生产的操作链条也并不完整.遗址的骨制品生产可能是以家庭为单元进行的,产品的专业化、精细化程度也相对较低.该研究填补了我国古代牧业文化遗址出土骨制品动物考古学专门研究的空白,为进一步探究我国古代不同区域、不同生业经济基础下的制骨手工业面貌提供了重要资料.  相似文献   
青海省东北部地区复杂多样的地貌类型,为研究史前人类适应不同自然环境下的动物资源利用提供了条件.然而,已开展的动物考古研究主要聚焦在青海省东北部的河谷农业区,对于草原地带的研究相对薄弱,其先民对草原环境中的适应策略仍未得到充分讨论.本文选择农牧过渡带的青海湖盆地尖嘴遗址出土动物骨骼为研究对象,运用AMS 14C测年方法、动物种属鉴定和可鉴定标本数(NISP)统计,确认尖嘴遗址(3.2 ka B.P.左右)是一处卡约文化早期的人类活动遗迹,其先民以狩猎活动为主要生业策略,渔猎作为辅助生计,属"初级开发型"模式.在此基础上,结合青海省东北部地区已有动物研究资料,探讨了中晚全新世(8.0~2.0 ka B.P.)以来的动物资源获取利用及家畜饲养状态.结果显示:8.0~6.0 ka B.P.,本区先民以纯粹的狩猎经济为主,其猎取对象则为中小型哺乳动物,属"依赖型"生业模式;6.0~4.0 ka B.P.,本区先民获取动物资源方式仍以狩猎为主,并开始出现一定规模的家畜饲养(猪和狗),其生业属低水平的食物生产阶段,获取肉食资源的模式处于"初级开发型"阶段;4.0~2.0 ka B.P.,史前东西方文化交流的不断增强,驯化于西亚的家畜牲畜牛羊传入至青海省东北部地区,使得该区先民利用动物资源方式呈现多元化,构成了"初级开发型"和"开发型"两种生业模式,牛羊成为家畜饲养的主流.总体来讲,中晚全新世以来青海省东北部地区先民获取肉食资源的方式大致经历了由以狩猎-采集方式到家畜饲养方式的历时性转变,不同区域的自然环境差异及史前欧亚大陆东西方文化间的交流是起决定性作用的因素.  相似文献   
长白山景区旅游安全风险动态评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙滢悦  杨青山  陈鹏 《地理科学》2019,39(5):770-778
以长白山景区旅游安全为研究对象,以鱼骨图、动态贝叶斯、GIS技术等为基本研究方法,从研究区自然环境、社会环境及责任人为3个方面出发,筛选景区致险因子,构建景区旅游安全风险危险性评价指标体系,利用动态贝叶斯方法综合构建景区旅游安全风险动态评价模型;并以实测数据及景区统计数据为依据,划分景区旅游安全风险评价的4个动态时段,综合实现景区旅游安全风险动态风险评价。研究结果表明:中等以上风险区域呈条带状分布;高风险区域与主要景点重合;长白山景区安全风险发生高概率的时段发生在第三个时段(12:00~14:00);较高概率发生分别在第二个时段(10:00~12:00)与第四个时段(14:00~16:00);中等概率发生较高的时段在第四个时段(14:00~16:00);较低概率发生在第一个时段(8:00~10:00)。  相似文献   
Boron resources are abundant in Da Qaidam salt lake of Qaidamu Basin. It has been given great attention for the polyborate species present in brine. In this study, the Raman spectroscopy was applied to investigate the existing-form of boron in brine during evaporation. The prepared solutions of MgO·2B2O3-H2O, MgO·2B2O3-MgCl2 -H2O, and MgO·2B2O3-MgSO4-H2O was also evaporated and recorded to study the influence of boron concentration, pH, and electrolytes on the borate speciation in brine. The mononborates of B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- were found to be the only forms present in the original salt lake brine. Brine evaporation promotes the formation of polyborate anions B3O3(OH)4-, B5O6(OH)4-, and B6O7(OH)62- and also disappearance of the B(OH)4- ion in brine with boron concentration of more than 11 g/L in B2O3. The pentaborate ion of B5O6(OH)4- was sensitive to the solution pH and found to be appeared under the pH value of 8.0. While the hexaborate ion of B6O7(OH)62- was observed more dependent on the electrolyte of magnesium chloride due to its special properties, such as promoting boron accumulation, lowering solution pH, and also the strong af?nity for water molecules, which is beneficial to the polymerization of borate ions in brine. The interaction mechanisms among polyborate anions during evaporation had also been proposed.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Groundwater is a vital water source in the rural and urban areas of developing and developed nations. In this study, a novel hybrid integration approach of...  相似文献   
张畅  陈新军 《海洋学报》2019,41(2):99-106
澳洲鲐(Scomber australasicus)是西北太平洋重要的中上层经济鱼类,生命周期相对较短,资源量受补充量影响明显,了解澳洲鲐太平洋群系补充量状况对掌握其资源量及确保其可持续利用具有重要的意义。本文利用产卵场1(30°~32°N,130°~132°E)海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST1)、产卵场2(34°~35°N,138°~141°E)海表面温度(SST2)、索饵场(35°~45°N,140°~160°E)海表面温度(SST3)、潮位差(tidal range,TR)、太平洋年代际涛动(Pacific decadal oscillation,PDO)和亲体量(spawning stock biomass,SSB)6个影响因子任意组合与补充量构建多个模型,运用贝叶斯模型平均法(Bayesian model averaging,BMA)分析各个环境因子对资源补充量的解释能力,并预测其补充量的变化。结果表明,SSB对补充量具有最长期且稳定的解释能力,其次是SST3,PDO、TR、SST2、SST1也对补充量模型具有一定的解释能力。SST3是环境因子中影响最大的因子,可能是由于补充群体在索饵场内生活时间较长,索饵场温度对仔鱼或鱼卵的生长存活有较大的影响。研究认为,基于BMA的组合预报综合考虑了各个模型的优势,优于单一模型,可用于澳洲鲐资源补充量的预测。  相似文献   
Sea cucumber Apostichopus.japonicus is an important marine economic species in Asian countries due to its profound nutritional and medicinal value.So far,with the rapid development of intensified artificial aquaculture of sea cucumbers,the use of antibiotics is still an inexpensive and dispensable way to treat pathogenic infections,especially during the nursery phase.However,there is little information on the effects of antibiotics on the intestinal microbiota of sea cucumber.Therefore an Illumina based sequencing method was used to examine the intestinal bacterial composition of juvenile A.japonicas following diets with three typical antibiotics(tetracycline,erythromycin.,and norfloxacin)under 15,30,and 45 d.The findings reveal that different antibiotics have distinct effects on the growth performance of juvenile sea cucumbers.However,the richness and diversity of microbiota were barely affected by antibiotics but the community composition alterations indicated that the three antibiotics exhibited their respective patterns of reshaping the intestinal bacteria of juvenile sea cucumbers.In common,the abundance of some sensitive genera with helpful functions,such as Thalassotalea,Shewanella,Sulfitobacter,and Halomonas decreased significantly with exposure to antibiotics and the abundance of multiple potential pathogenic-and suspected antibiotic-resistant microorganisms like Arcobacter,Leucothrix,and Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1 was found increased significantly in the antibiotic groups.These results suggest that low doses of antibiotics could affect the composition of the intestinal microbiota of sea cucumbers and might increase the risk of infection of the hosts.This study could help us to explore how antibacterial compounds modify the gut microbiota of sea cucumbers and provide theoretical guidance in hatchery management by scientific antibiotic use in sea cucumber mariculture.  相似文献   
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